
Time countdown to the Assembly date:







1 of September 2013

Start «Online registration»

1 of September 2013

Start Visa support

31 of May 2014

Early Registration fee

21 of February 2014

Abstract submission deadline

Oral Presentations

-----  COSPAR 2014 Presentation Uploading Instruction.Pdf

Presentation Uploading Instruction
1. Open the new URL in the e-mail that was sent to authors by the local organizers in August 1st. Here is the sample URL: https://cospar.msu.ru/public.php?service=files&t=b4b24d6c5e0bf47192a7c5f4e2af6f60.
2. Below the URL in the e-mail there’s a generated password only for your talk. Enter it in the password field.
3. Click the ‘Up-Arrow’ button at the top-left corner of the new window to upload necessary files.
4. Choose your files in the pop-up window.
5. Click ‘Choose’ or ‘OK’ to complete.
6. Your files will appear in the ‘Home’ window.

Key points

- Please create only one file for each presentation.
- Maximum size for each presentation is 150 MB.
- Videos should be embedded into your presentation.
- Presentation formats: .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .png
- Movie-formats and codecs: WMV, MPEG, MPEG-2, MP4, QuickTime, M4V, animated GIFs.
- All presentations will be projected using Microsoft PowerPoint (version 2003 or newer) or Adobe Acrobat Reader from a central computer (Windows PC).
- In case you have no access to Internet, the Technical Support Team can help you upload your presentation in one of the speaker ready rooms which will be located in S2-33, S2-34 and L1-11.
- Your presentation must be ready and uploaded for 24 hours prior to your talk.
- For further questions please contact the Technical Support Team in one of the speaker ready rooms or by email contact@cospar2014moscow.com.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1) I didn't receive any email with a link to upload my presentation, would you please provide me the link again?
Answer: Please provide us the correct information (at least the tracking number, the cospar ID, or the email address used at the registration), so we could identify you quickly and help you. Many mail servers marked our emails as spams, so please check carefully the spam folder. Also you should add our email address to your white list, so emails can reach you well in future.

2) The URL doesn’t work or the password is wrong, would you please provide me another one?
Answer: On August 1st «new» URL and password were sent to you to replace the one sent on July. Please check your mail box.

3) How can I delete my previously uploaded file?
Answer: You can't delete it, but you can replace it with a new one with the same name and extension.

4) Is PowerPoint format .pptx supported or Why do you support only .ppt?
Answer: We support both formats .ppt and .pptx.

5) I'm using Mac with Keynote, what should I do?
Answer: Unfortunately, we don't support Keynote, but you can export your presentation from Keynote to PowerPoint, PDF, or even QuickTime formats.

6) I want to bring my laptop and connect it directly to the projector, is it possible?
Answer: We strongly recommend you not to do this. In many rooms it’s physically impossible to connect a laptop to a projector or it will take much time. Since the time is limited and there’s no break between presentations, please try not to do this.

7) The size of my presentation is bigger than 150MB, how should I upload it to your server?
Answer: It will take time to upload more than 150MB to the server via internet. The best way is to go to any speaker ready room and we will help you do it.

8) When is the deadline to upload my presentation?
Answer: You should upload the final version of your presentation for 24 hours prior to your talk because it may take time to synchronize your files across the machines.

9) I couldn't embed videos to my presentation, what should I do?
Answer: Instead of embedding videos you can add their links to your presentation. In this case videos must be placed at the same directory where your presentation is located. When you click to a link, the local video player will open your video.